Discover SIMEXA’s excellence partner retailer in Bahrain, CHATEAU FURNITURE. Located in Salmabad, CHATEAU FURNITURE is a trusted resource for anyone seeking exceptional interior design.With over 20 years of experience in the design industry, CHATEAU FURNITURE has become synonymous with unsurpassed taste, service, and quality. They deliver a service that offers high levels of dependability and attention to detail with every project, offering customers a truly unique experience tailored for them.
Chateau Furniture Services
1. Design and Concept
Elegance, vision, and craft — CHATEAU FURNITURE is the ultimate guide to visionary interior design and conceptualization. Forged by the essence of luxury and sophistication, CHATEAU FURNITURE is dedicated to shaping each project from its finite details to the grandest gestures of design. A team of experts is here to guide you based on style, concept, and theme— transforming visions into a reality, one idea at a time.
2. Layout
Space planning is an integral part of the interior design process, and CHATEAU FURNITURE is committed to guiding the practice of eclectic design and execution. Redefine modernity and space through the process of scale, size, and placement with an understanding of architectural awareness visualized and provided by CHATEAU FURNITURE.
3. Implementation
Uplift any design from pen and paper to velvet coated furniture and marble table tops with our well-renowned team of designers. Experience professionalism through execution and installations process, carried out by a trusted team of contractors.
Daaij Khalifa Bauchale, CHATEAU FURNITURE Managing Director, and Dina Bauchale, CHATEAU FURNITURE Principal Designer, and the team at CHATEAU FURNITURE lend their expertise and passion for design to each commercial and residential project. They believe in designing with purpose and adding a personal touch to the space, transforming any room into one which reflects the client’s personality.
Quality, detail, service through expertise and competencies
CHATEAU FURNITURE’s mission is to offer a guided high-end service that is tailored to the client’s needs, and to design imagination, building luxury guided by professionalism that inspires and leaves a long lasting-impression. Their vision aims to seek a high-end goal in global recognition amongst the interior design service industry. They believe in providing professional interior solutions to shape the spaces they design with a high level of unique excellence and sophistication.
As a high-end interior design service, they believe in the value of quality, detail, and service. At CHATEAU FURNITURE, they maintain a top-tier level of expertise and competency with a focus on creativity for the client’s benefit and desire. They strive to build a strong client relationship developed through dependability, value, and trust.
SIMEXA’s brands available at CHATEAU FURNITURE
SIMEXA and CHATEAU FURNITURE have built a strong partnership over time and CHATEAU FURNITURE has become SIMEXA’s preferred distributor in Bahrain for some of SIMEXA’s most prestigious outdoor furniture and solar lighting brands.